Friday, August 24, 2007

Do you all know about Deaf Lottery Accociation?

Walter said, you are winner $150,000. he is work for Deaf Lottery Association
I was laughing and never believe that…. B.S. really, I never heard about that could to work for deaf Lottery Assocation.

He said, oh truth!.. you won. I am still laughing what he said? I thought, he is not normal.better I block on AIM to him..
Do you have been getting same happened from Walter Morgan or another Deaf Lottery Association?

I did asking to my friend about that. He gave me warning if I did gave my account no etc. to Walter Morgan. He would take a lot money from my bank. another deaf from LA lost $6,000. *ouch* It make my heart hurting.

How could you all against Deaf Lottery assiciation. Do you all like it? true, I don´t like that.. *jeeez*
In germany don´t have same with "Deaf Lottery Accociation" that is good! read more

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