It was the first time I used Power Point. Of course I was very nervous, and when I gave the speech I had lost most of my hearing in both ears due to allergic reactions to the ventilation systems at IUSB… my Eustachian tubes were blocked, preventing airflow to the middle ear, and so the ear drums weren’t working. I could barely hear myself talk.
I kept thinking this whatever it was would clear on its own. I didn’t have an ear ache an either ear, until one day, after I had let it go on for two months, I had excruciating pain in my left ear, and then stuff came oozing out. I rushed to the doctor to find my left eardrum had ruptured. That was scary. I got on some allergy medicine and began to heal. Little did I know that wouldn’t be the last major ordeal with my ears, or that they would cost me my career dreams. read more
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